Svaneti Roadtrip

1 June – 31 October

4 days

Max. 8

from $800,-

Nestled among the highest and most majestic peaks in Europe lies the highland region of Svaneti, a hidden gem in the heart of the Caucasus. Surrounded by giants such as Shkhara (5,200m), Tetnuldi (4,858m), Gistola (4,860m), and Ushba (4,710m), Svaneti gives the feeling that the sky is within reach of your hand, so close that you can actually touch the stars.

Here, the saying “My home is my fortress” finds its true meaning, as the landscape is dotted with fortified houses that stand as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Svan people.

The combination of the remoteness of high, snow-capped mountains, ancient culture, unique architecture and welcoming local people makes Svaneti a photographer’s paradise. Just imagine being every day on the move surrounded by incredible and unspoilt nature, driving from one place to another, crossing high mountain passes and rivers, doing some light hiking activities to reach even higher places, witnessing the amazing hospitality of locals. The landscapes scattered with ruins, medieval towns, roaring mountain peaks and huge valley glaciers, chasing the best light around the mountains is what this tour has to offer.


Learning experience

Learn photography and apply it directly at inspiring locations in the Highlands of Svaneti.

Exploration in comfort

To access the photo locations, we travel safely and comfortably in robust terrain vehicles.

Golden hour

Be present at breathtaking locations at the right time when the light is the most photogenic.



The photo tour starts from city of Kutaisi. We will drive on a scenic mountain road towards Mestia, a collection of villages surrounded by spectacular mountains. The road in the mountains offers also spectacular views. We will make numerous photos stops. After checking-in in our hotel, we will explore the surrounding area by car. We visit fields above Mestia with panoramic views on the mountain with excellent opportunities to take photos.

Koruldi Lakes

We will make an early start and drive to a beautiful location to photograph the sunrise. Afterward, we will return to the hotel for breakfast. Today, we will visit the famous Koruldi lakes, located at an altitude of 2,740 meters. We will spend the whole afternoon photographing these hills. After dinner, we will take the time to review the photos taken and also have the opportunity to post-process the photos on the computer.


In the morning we drive tp the Tetnuldi plateau, reaching an impressive altitude of 3,165 meters. The sunrise from this vantage point will be truly breathtaking. We’ll enjoy breakfast there, with coffee and tea available to keep us comfortable during our extended photo session, capturing the high peaks and valleys below. Afterward, we’ll descend and head to our next destination, Ushguli, the highest inhabited village in Europe, arriving around midday. Following lunch, we’ll drive to the Shkhara Glacier, a part of Georgia’s tallest mountain, Mount Shkhara. By dinner, we’ll return to our hotel. After dinner, there will still be time to witness the sunset and gaze at the stars in the vicinity of our hotel.


Once again, we’ll embark on an early start. Departing from Svaneti to return to the lower lands, we’ll opt for a different route, promising the most breathtaking part of our journey yet. Driving back through the stunning landscape in the early morning light, we’ll traverse a panoramic jeep path across the Zagaro Pass, standing at an altitude of 2,620 meters. This route will take us through the wild beauty of the High Caucasus, where few venture. After descending from the mountains, our journey concludes as we make our way back to Kutaisi. This marks the end of our tour.